spiritual entrepreneur Jul 13, 2020

Have you ever stopped yourself from stepping up because you were afraid of seeming weird? 

If you’ve been feeling shy, or afraid to launch your business because you’re worried about what your neighbor might think about your spiritual brand, I get it. 

We all have it. Some story from our childhood that convinced us we should probably never share our gifts again. Or maybe the peer pressure from young adulthood taught us to try to be as cool, disaffected, and “normal” as possible. Whatever normal is. 

So here is some unadulterated support in letting out our inner weird out! 

Let’s get weird!

Vital Considerations For Getting Weird

First and foremost...

The People who don’t get you are here to teach you how to accept yourself more!

Let’s face it, spiritual stuff is weird to a lot of people. Even if your mom doesn’t get tarot, or your friend from high school squishes their face when you tell them about gua sha, realize that these are growing pains of your expansion. 

If the people in your life who don’t get it make you feel uncomfortable, they are actually reflecting back to you your own insecurity about sharing your gifts... or perhaps your own fear about being weird. The more you can show up and share authentically, the less power these voices hold.

Funnily enough, spiritual stuff is becoming more mainstream than ever before. More and more people do get where you’re coming from.

Why tamp down your weird just to make someone who engages with you for five minutes feel better? Why not be yourself and feel good about being you every day instead?You don’t have to defend yourself when you choose to be yourself.

This new level of self-acceptance means not worrying too much about what other people think. You are not responsible for other people’s reactions to you expressing from the heart. You may very well trigger people by stepping up as a full-fledged warrior of the light and that’s because their hearts are needing to open to more love. 

A new space of beauty can emerge as you let your weird out. Three years from now, people like your mom or your friend from high school may even call you to ask about Reiki. Trust me, weirder things have happened on the spiritual path. 

Your being vocal about your spiritual passions is helping your loved ones to expand. Your waking up slowly but surely inspires those close to you to wake up. 

Sharing Your Weird Helps Others Be Authentically Themselves Too!

Here is a reminder that your healing gifts—your ability to see orbs or fairies or read tarot like a boss—ARE YOUR SUPERPOWERS! And you’d be surprised what miracles and synchronicities happen when you share from the heart. 

Most importantly, there is very likely someone out there who desperately needs the message you are here to share. So for the people who need you, please SPEAK UP. ⁠Please let yourself shine. Please let yourself go! 

Your weird is the magic ingredient to finding your people

“We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” - Robert Fulgham

Weird is memorable. Weird is fun. When you share authentically and when you show up as who you are, you find your soul family and your soul community. You bringing your glorious weirdness to the table will call in YOUR PEOPLE and gently release those who aren’t really your people. 

If you're reading this, you probably already know the utter magic that happens when you connect with your fellow weirdo warriors of the light. These spiritual moments and gatherings with soul family are most likely some of the most incredible, mind-expanding, heart-opening moments of your life.

The Other Person Who Desperately Needs Your Weird is YOU.

“It's weird not to be weird.” - John Lennon

In being gentler and kinder with your weird self, you will unlock a new level of joy in your life. You can see that there’s no need to judge yourself. Because the things that are the most beautiful about you are the things that are weird.

A core shame about “weirdness” is often the fear of being too much. If you feel like you are too much, I urge you to just share from this fullness, from this loudness. You will find your people, you will find your audience. Not that you need them to validate you...you don’t.

You Aren’t Weird, You Are a Creative Child of the Universe

If you can embrace the unique things you love to do, you can use them as tools that will uplift and enhance every aspect of your life. 

Ascended Masters don’t worry about being weird. Unicorns don’t wonder whether they’re too sparkly.

⁠The possibilities for your creativity are endless. Give yourself permission to view yourself as a healing artist. Allow your voice to be an expressive channel for your soul. Make space for that creative spark which comes from allowing the divine to dance through you. 

If you believe in a world of the weird and wonderful fully sharing their gifts without judgement, fear, or limitation... join me and your fellow spiritual entrepreneurs for my FREE Spiritual Business Startup Guide! And also check out the podcast on this topic which shares a really fun creative exercise to express your full self. 


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