In this episode, Muni talks about how our inability to celebrate and “party” this summer might make us feel ungrounded. He discusses how our positivity and sense of celebration is needed right now and helps you take stock of and celebrate your accomplishments. Muni will help you work with the Spirit of Your Spiritual Business to celebrate your business, recognizing ways for you and your business to grow and receive more.
It’s time to take stock of everything you’ve accomplished and truly celebrate your spiritual business. You’ve already come so far and you need to realize you are doing enough. What you’re doing matters and don’t forget to be kind to yourself along the way. This is when we get to start our energetic party to give us the feeling of celebration we’re all missing out on this summer.
When it comes to achieving goals, it’s important to pause, reflect, and let loose. Celebrate with those special soul friends who truly want you to succeed and who love reminding you of how far you’ve come. It’s true, we may not be able to celebrate the way we want to - in person, with hugs, and lots of laughs. But we can still bring our circle together and have a virtual party. So it’s time to plan your virtual celebration of you.
Spiritual entrepreneurs are always looking towards the future, planning the next move to grow their business. Sometimes we can get caught up in everything we’ve yet to do, forgetting to take note of the ground we’ve already covered. Take a moment to think about every little thing you do each and every day that gets you closer to your goals. Those things matter and you need to pause and celebrate each mindful action you take.
If this way of working with the energy of your spiritual business and celebrating yourself has felt aligned and joyful to you, head on over to the 21-day spiritual business challenge, which is chock full of tools to keep the energy flowing, to keep you inspired, and actionable steps to launch, build, and grow your spiritual business. Let’s party!
I celebrate my spiritual business!
I celebrate my accomplishments!
I celebrate myself.
I celebrate all of my successes.
I am proud of myself.
I welcome new levels of joy and play into my life
I am letting loose and letting go of what I don’t need.
My joy is enabling others to feel joy
50% Complete
This FREE Spiritual Business Startup Guide covers key areas that will empower you to launch your spiritual business... faster and easier than you ever thought possible.